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Learn a new language this year. The Rosetta Stone yearly membership is currently on sale for just $90 — down $90 from its regular price of $180 at Best Buy. If you’re bored at home and need new things to do, this is one of the best ways to pass your time. This is one of many great home office deals that will help transform your make-shift workspace into a productivity palace. Soon boredom will seem like a thing of the past.

The Rosetta Stone yearly membership is delivered digitally so you have access to more than 24 languages within minutes. Learn Spanish, Mandarin, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, and more, the membership has it all included. Easily download the app on any of your IOS or Android devices and learn a new language wherever you are. Before the year ends you’ll be able to speak, write, and read in the language of your choice. Your friends and family will be surprised at how quickly you mastered a new language. You can even perfect your accent with TruAccent allowing you to sound like a native speaker. The next time you’re traveling to a new country, Rosetta Stone will be your favorite companion. If you want, you can pay for language coaching and have your coach practice your vocabulary or grammar with you. Learn from the best available coaches, straight from your couch.

The Rosetta Stone membership also prides itself on being the most immersive language experience possible. The app hopes to not just teach you how to speak and read in a given language but also think or dream in a new language. Tons of happy customers have exclaimed their joy in learning a new language on the app. Reviewers have often said how the membership helped their kids learn languages when schools shut down due to the pandemic. Many also saw this as an opportunity to broaden their skillset and become bilingual or even trilingual. If this sounds like you, The Rosetta Stone yearly membership is the perfect gift for you.

Buy The Rosetta Stone yearly membership now for the reduced price of $90 and start learning a new language today. Soon, you’ll be speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish!

We strive to help our readers find the best deals on quality products and services, and we choose what we cover carefully and independently. The prices, details, and availability of the products and deals in this post may be subject to change at anytime. Be sure to check that they are still in effect before making a purchase.

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