Moon Knight episode 6—out now on Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar—is the season finale and boy does it tug on my heartstrings hard. This episode brings to the series a truly action-packed end but also reveals one of the most important characters who Marvel has decided to unveil in a much later part of the 42-minute episode (the shortest one till now). Moon Knight episode 6 is very unlike some of the earlier episodes that lacked the thrill and adventure you get to see a lot of in the season finale. Nonetheless, if you’ve been following the series religiously and are trying to piece together how the different characters have been weaved together—this episode packs a headliner at the end that had me picking my jaw off the floor.
Moon Knight episode 5 ended with Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac) gazing at the sunset in The Field of Reed that Tawaret (Antonia Salib), the Egyptian goddess, described as the heavenly paradise in the Duat. Steven Grant was banished to the Duat after trying to save Marc in Moon Knight episode 5. The finale carries on from there where the story revolves around how Marc, despite his differences with Steven, shares an intimate relationship with his other personality and how the two wage the battle against the darkness being brought upon the world by Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke).
Despite leaving me absolutely perplexed during some parts of the episode, Moon Knight episode 6 managed to weave the narrative and conclude the story in such a way that deserves another season if anything. Whether or not the creators would be imaginative and generous to Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fans in the days to come is still not known. As for me, I was satisfied with the conclusion only because the creators managed to fill a lot of gaps with the post-credits scene (Oops, I shouldn’t have said that). Yes, there is a post-credits scene indeed but more on that later.
Moon Knight Episode 5 Recap: Hall of Mirrors
Moon Knight episode 6—titled “Gods and Monsters”, directed by Mohamed Diab, and written by Danielle Iman and Jeremy Slater, opened with Marc’s cadaver being dragged out of the water by Harrow’s henchmen who obtain the stone statue of Ammit, the Egyptian god of guiding evil, who Harrow has been trying to set free to exact judgment on sinners of the world. Having found Ammit, Harrow leaves the golden scarab (which was a mistake) on Marc’s dead body, unaware that Layla (May Calamawy) is present in the same room. As Harrow sets on his journey to free Ammit, Layla mourns the death of her husband. As she kisses him goodbye, her eyes fall upon the scarab which she later uses to find Konshu’s stone statue.
A still from Moon Knight episode 6
Photo Credit: Disney/Marvel Studios
Remember when Marc asked Tawaret to contact Layla in the previous episode? Well, the effervescent hippo manages to break through the realms of the underworld to speak with Layla via corpses that Harrow laid to waste during his journey. Layla, who managed to sneak in among Harrow’s henchmen, speaks with Tawaret about the possibility of bringing Marc back to life by freeing Konshu. The only way to do that was by breaking Konshu’s ‘Ushabti’ (statue) which lies in the Chamber of the Gods. What I loved about the whole scene in Moon Knight episode 6 was that the corpse was as animated with his gestures and hand movements as we’ve learned to see the hippo in the series till now. I thought that was funny.
The next scene opens with Harrow at the base of the Great Pyramid where he opens a secret gateway into the pyramid by striking his sceptre to the ground. Honestly, the visual reminded me of The Ten Commandments (1956), when Moses splits the Red Sea into two using his divine sceptre—which also happened in Egypt. Ironic, right? Inside the pyramid, the avatars of all the other gods with whom we’ve been acquainted in the previous episode are rattled by the commotion and sense that someone is trying to free Ammit. While Harrow overpowers all the avatars, and breaks the statue of Ammit to free her, Layla sneaks off to find the statue of Konshu in the pyramid. Ammit is depicted as a creature with the forequarters of a lion, the hindquarters of a hippopotamus, and the head of a crocodile and doesn’t fall too far from the Egyptian depiction of the goddess. While offering his loyalty to Ammit, Harrow confesses his scales aren’t balanced and offers to serve the goddess as penance. Ammit accepts the offer. Layla finally manages to find Konshu’s ‘Ushabti’ and releases him from his stone prison. Not being able to sense March Spectre’s presence (since he’s dead), Konshu offers Layla the chance to be his avatar – something she repeatedly rejects.
Moon Knight Episode 4 Recap: Taking Cue From Legion?
Set out to “purify the souls of Cairo and then the world”, Ammit is interrupted by the giant figure of Konshu in the chamber. Knowing that Ammit can only be defeated by imprisoning her in a mortal form, things start to look awry for Ammit’s nemesis.
Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector in Moon Knight episode 6
Photo Credit: Disney/Marvel Studios
The next scene in Moon Knight episode 6 cuts back to Marc at The Field of Reed, where he contemplates accepting peace with Steven banished to the underworld. Knowing very well that he too could be banished, Marc chooses to reunite with Steven who lies in the desert frozen in stone. Realising that Steven had been there for him all his life, Marc reaches for Steven’s frozen hand as he himself slips into a state of becoming stone. Just when we thought that both their fates were decided, a ray of light penetrates the gates of Osiris, setting them free as the two return to their original state—as live Marc Spectre and Steven Grant. As an Egyptian God deathmatch ensues between Ammit and Konshu, Marc is reincarnated. Sensing the presence of Marc, Konshu escapes the battle to reunite with his old friend marking the return of the Moon Knight.
Konshu realises that he’s not strong enough to stop Ammit – which is when he asks Marc for help. Realising the opportunity of the situation, Marc and Steven make a deal with Konshu to set them free if they manage to defeat Ammit. Back in the Chamber of the Gods, Layla calls upon Tawaret for her help and “temporarily accepts” being Tawaret’s avatar. I loved how Calamawy was so easily able to jump from one character to another in a matter of seconds pretty much the same way Isaac has been doing it for the whole Moon Knight series.
Overlooking the entire city, Harrow stands atop the pyramid where with the help of one spell he commands his disciples to judge the sinners and their souls are sucked by Ammit who grows in size with each soul devoured. Tawaret’s avatar in Layla is revealed as a winged avenger (not Avenger) armed with short Egyptian swords. Though, I never saw her fly in the entire episode, and she used the wings mostly to shield herself from bullet fire. On one side, Moon Knight and Harrow have a duel of their own while Konshu and Ammit continue from where they left off – only now as big as the pyramid. What follows is 3 to 5 minutes of action-packed fighting and mayhem. Layla and Marc are elated to be reunited and during the battle, we also see moments when Steven’s avatar of Moon Knight is seen throwing punches – something we hadn’t been able to see till now.
Moon Knight Episode 3 Recap: Giza, Ennead, and Turning Back the Night in Egypt
Calamawy has done a good job with her action sequences and even gets called an ‘Egyptian superhero’. Frankly, the MCU hasn’t really had a lot of Egyptian female heroes apart from Elektra Kyle maybe. Think we’ll see more of Layla El-Faouly as an action star? Could be. Amid the battle, Harrow has Moon Knight pinned to the ground with Layla trapped as well. As Harrow drives his sceptre into Marc’s chest, Marc begins to realise this could be the end. What happens next had me scratching my head.
Ethan Hawke as Harrow in Moon Knight episode 6
Photo Credit: Disney/Marvel Studios
The scene cuts to a bewildered Marc holding Harrow’s sceptre against the latter’s head, and Harrow seems as if he’s been beaten to a pulp. Marc questions Steven whether it was him responsible for the carnage. Steven denies it. Who was it then? Wait for the big reveal, we’ll come back to this.
With Konshu being dragged against the ground by Ammit, Layla and Marc carry an unconscious Harrow to the Chamber to cast a spell that enslaves Ammit inside of Harrow’s body. Konshu commands Marc to kill Harrow to eliminate the possibility of Ammit being revived ever again. Marc realises he is free and has a choice not to kill anymore. As per the deal, Konshu then frees Marc/Steven.
Moon Knight Episode 2 Recap: The Wife, Mr. Knight, and the Villain’s Big Plan
The scene then cuts to Steven awakening back at the asylum in Dr. Harrow’s room, making him think that all that had transpired was just his imagination, and the asylum was reality. While walking, Dr. Harrow leaves a trail of bloodied footprints that both Steven and Marc spot and realise it all was in their heads after all. As they bid goodbye to the doctor (who begins to panic), Marc/ Steven wakes up in Steven’s home only to find their leg tied to the bed as they take a fall. And that was it! The end of Moon Knight episode 6!
I was like: “What?!” How could they end it this way? What happened to Harrow? How did Marc defeat Harrow after being pinned to the ground? So many questions were left unanswered. It seems the creators left the big reveal and possibility of the answers to the above questions for the aforementioned post-credits scene.
Moon Knight in a fight against Harrow
Photo Credit: Disney/Marvel Studios
The scene opens with Arthur Harrow in a wheelchair at a mental institution where he is visited by a Spanish-speaking man in a black dress who offers to take him out of the room while gesturing to the nurse to leave the matter to him. As the man pushes the wheelchair out of the building, whistling as he goes about it, Harrow’s sight falls upon numerous bodies of staff members all across the floor. After getting out, Harrow is shoved into a white limousine where Konshu awaits him. He is relieved that Konshu can’t hurt him. Now here comes the best part. Konshu confesses that he never wanted Marc’s wife to be his next avatar, and knew just how troubled Marc was mentally. Konshu knocks on the car’s window to tell the man in the black dress to reveal his identity. And cue the big reveal, Jake Lockley—the third personality of Marc Spector. Lockley mumbles in Spanish and shoots Harrow after which the limousine drives out of the institution.
Moon Knight Episode 1 Recap: Oscar Isaac’s Steven Grant Meets Oscar Isaac’s Marc Spector
For those who’re a bit lost here, Jack Lockley is the third personality of Marc Spector, and is a cab driver as per the comic. He is the most aggressive of the three (Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and Jake Lockley) and is believed to be the reason Marc managed to defeat Harrow during the battle. Also, if you remember in episode 3, Marc or Steven killed some people and then were blaming each other, both denied having done the deed.. This could have been Lockley’s doing as well. Clearly, the creators put all doubts to rest with this post-credits scene although didn’t hint that another season might be coming in the future. They sure had me blown away with that end.
Moon Knight episode 6 is now streaming on Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar. This was the series finale.