
Google tackles scammers offering malware-laden Bard imitator | Digital Trends

Google has revealed that it’s suing alleged scammers who are offering malware-laden “generative AI” software… Read More

Google Bard could soon become your new AI life coach | Digital Trends

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT have gotten a bad rep recently, but Google… Read More

Top authors want payment from AI firms for using their work | Digital Trends

More than 9,000 authors have signed an open letter to leading tech firms expressing concern… Read More

How to use Google SGE | Digital Trends

Google's Search Generative Experience, or SGE, is an in-development tool for finding information faster and… Read More

Europol warning as criminals commandeer AI chatbots | Digital Trends

Europol this week issued a stark warning highlighting the risks posed by criminals as  they… Read More