
What is AGI? A self aware AI might be closer than you think | Digital Trends

Artificial General Intelligence, or AGI, is considered by some to be the end goal of… Read More

GPT-5: release date, claims of AGI, pushback, and more | Digital Trends

GPT-5 is the expected next major LLM (Large Language Model) as released by OpenAI. Given… Read More

ChatGPT could threaten 300 million jobs around the world | Digital Trends

The meteoric rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT has fueled a wide range… Read More

Pause AI development or risk disaster, warns Elon Musk | Digital Trends

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been moving at an unbelievable speed in recent months, with the… Read More

GPT-5 could soon change the world in one incredible way | Digital Trends

GPT-4 may have only just launched, but people are already talking about the next version… Read More