
Sam Bankman-Fried guilty on 7 counts of fraud and conspiracy | Digital Trends

Cointelegraph/Wikimedia Commons Disgraced cryptocurrency mogul Sam Bankman-Fried has been found guilty on all seven charges… Read More

Hacker sent to jail for huge 2020 Twitter breach | Digital Trends

A British man who took part in a high-profile Twitter hack in 2020 was handed… Read More

New cyber unit to boost fight against state-backed hackers | Digital Trends

Eyeing the increasing threat of damaging cyberattacks by hackers backed by hostile foreign states, the… Read More

Europol warning as criminals commandeer AI chatbots | Digital Trends

Europol this week issued a stark warning highlighting the risks posed by criminals asĀ  they… Read More

Exploding USB drive injures journalist in terror attack | Digital Trends

We sometimes hear how inserting a mysterious USB drive into a computer carries the risk… Read More