
Use Comcast for internet? Your personal data may be at risk | Digital Trends

Comcast Comcast, alongside several other big corporations, has recently suffered a devastating data breach. According… Read More

The 23andMe data breach just keeps getting scarier | Digital Trends

23andMe The 23andMe breach that took place in October has been confirmed as much worse… Read More

Hackers are spreading malware through Indeed job messages | Digital Trends

A new phishing scam has surfaced that is showing how sophisticated bad actors are becoming… Read More

Careful — Hackers are targeting Google Bard ads for malware | Digital Trends

As the public adjusts to trusting artificial intelligence, there also brews a perfect environment for hackers… Read More

New cyber unit to boost fight against state-backed hackers | Digital Trends

Eyeing the increasing threat of damaging cyberattacks by hackers backed by hostile foreign states, the… Read More

Reddit hacker demands $4.5M and change to new API rule | Digital Trends

Ransomware group BlackCat has claimed responsibility for a cyberattack on Reddit in February and is… Read More