
What is 3D printer, and how much do they cost? | Digital Trends

It’s been a while since 3D printers became available and started allowing people to create… Read More

An inside look at Lenovo’s goal to create sustainable tech | Digital Trends

From ThinkPad to Yoga, the look and feel of Lenovo laptops have always been in… Read More

How to clean laptop fan | Digital Trends

Let's face it: Laptops get dirty. That's true on the exterior, where sweat and grime… Read More

Next-gen GPUs look like they’ll be absolutely massive | Digital Trends

MSI As some of the best graphics cards only get bigger and bigger, manufacturers continuously… Read More

How computer chips made of mushrooms could be the future | Digital Trends

To reduce electronic waste and cut greenhouse gas emissions from plastic, future computer chips might… Read More

This groundbreaking transistor is made entirely out of wood | Digital Trends

Researchers from Linköping University in Sweden made a groundbreaking development: they created a functional transistor… Read More

How gaming laptops are still lying to shoppers | Digital Trends

Around a year ago, I claimed that gaming laptops were lying to us. It was… Read More