
Hacker sent to jail for huge 2020 Twitter breach | Digital Trends

A British man who took part in a high-profile Twitter hack in 2020 was handed… Read More

NY lawyers fined for using fake ChatGPT cases in legal brief | Digital Trends

The clumsy use of ChatGPT has landed a New York City law firm with a… Read More

New cyber unit to boost fight against state-backed hackers | Digital Trends

Eyeing the increasing threat of damaging cyberattacks by hackers backed by hostile foreign states, the… Read More

These are the countries where ChatGPT is currently banned | Digital Trends

While some countries are rushing to take advantage of ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence (AI)… Read More

6 examples of how realistic AI-generated voices have become | Digital Trends

In the ongoing AI revolution, images and text are yesterday’s news, leaving audio as a… Read More

ChatGPT could threaten 300 million jobs around the world | Digital Trends

The meteoric rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT has fueled a wide range… Read More

Pause AI development or risk disaster, warns Elon Musk | Digital Trends

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been moving at an unbelievable speed in recent months, with the… Read More