
Numerous states in the U.S. have mandated mask-wearing in public, and even in places where it’s not legally required, many private businesses have instituted their own rules for facial coverings. If this has left you scrambling to find some face masks but you’re still trying to sort out what type of mask to buy and where you can get them, you’re in luck: N95 Mask Company is offering Digital Trends readers a 20% discount on its KN95 face masks with coupon code DTSPECIAL, meaning you can score a pack of 20 for just $2.40 apiece (or even cheaper if you buy more) — one of the lowest prices available for certified masks from a reputable company.

Buy at N95 Mask Co

The shortage of personal protective equipment is thankfully in the rear-view mirror, but there are several kinds of face masks available right now and much of the terminology can seem a little confusing. You’ve likely seen many people wearing cloth face masks and disposable surgical masks, and while these can offer a decent level of protection, they do not bear any sort of official certifications for filtration efficiency. A more effective option is a mask that features an N95 or KN95 rating, meaning that it adheres to regulatory standards set by the National Institute of Occupation Safety and Health (NIOSH).

In order for a mask to qualify for the N95 certification set by NIOSH, it must be capable of filtering at least 95% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. Viruses such as the coronavirus are smaller than that but the particles that these viruses travel on — namely aerosolized fluids created when people cough, sneeze, speak, and even breathe — are typically larger, which is what allows these face masks to capture these virus-carrying airborne particulates. KN95 is the Chinese government’s equivalent regulatory standard for airborne filtration, and masks with this certification are on the Food and Drug Administration’s Appendix A list of overseas-made masks that have been tested to meet U.S. regulatory standards.

KN95 masks are generally more economical than N95 masks while meeting the same safety specifications and this deal makes them even cheaper: Until September 5, N95 Mask Company is offering a 20% discount on its KN95 masks with checkout code DTSPECIAL. This coupon is valid for all KN95 mask purchases; the most expensive per-mask option is the 20-pack, which still comes to only $2.40 apiece (one of the best prices you’ll find right now for quality KN95-certified face masks from a good maker), but if 20 isn’t enough to meet your needs, then you can buy the KN95 masks in larger bundles and save even more.

Buy at N95 Mask Co

We strive to help our readers find the best deals on quality products and services, and we choose what we cover carefully and independently. The prices, details, and availability of the products and deals in this post may be subject to change at anytime. Be sure to check that they are still in effect before making a purchase.

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